"Growing up in a family of nine…Teamwork and collaboration were a necessity…We learned to communicate, negotiate, and compromise."
Teamwork & Collaboration
Snippets About
Values & Traits
Growing up in a family of nine, I did not have a lot of things that were just mine. I had no privacy and no personal space. Teamwork and collaboration were a necessity to get meals prepared, set the table, do laundry, clean the house, obtain a seat in the car, and schedule time to use the shower in the morning. At times, there were fights and disagreements, but we always made up. We learned to communicate, negotiate, and compromise. These skills remain an important part of my personal and professional life.
“I find it fulfilling to know that I gave it my all. Then whether I succeed or fail, I know I did all that I could and had nothing more to give… Tapping into talents happens with an interest or obstacle, so we need to pursue challenges as much as we pursue interests.”
Using Your Abilities
A friend of mine once asked me, "Why do you work so hard at everything?" I told them I find it fulfilling to know that I gave it my all. Then whether I succeed or fail, I know I did all that I could and had nothing more to give. I asked them what areas of their life they give 100% and they said they never have. I was shocked. I come from a family of 100 percenters. When I was a child, I had no idea what I was good at. I strived for good grades in school not because I had to but because I was afraid of falling short. Perceived expectations and fear drove me to excel so that I would not disappoint myself or my parents. Some subjects I was good at, but others were more challenging.
We are not born knowing what our talents are. But the more we learn, encounter, and explore, the more we can identify our interests and desires. Through challenges and tribulations, we learn what we are capable of and what skills we are lacking. We can only achieve peak performance when we take a deep dive into our abilities – growing, transforming, and perfecting. I believe true fulfillment comes from giving endeavors all that you have in both your personal and professional life. Tapping into talents happens with an interest or obstacle, so we need to pursue challenges as much as we pursue interests.
“Over the years, there were many events my family volunteered for… My parents engrained in us the importance of serving and giving to others…So, it is no surprise…career tests…[indicate I have] the social/helper personality trait”
Helping Others
In my youth, we often visited a nursing home during Christmas to sing Christmas carols to the residents. My siblings and I did not always meet these nursing home visits with excitement. However, as we performed, witnessing the joy the residents experienced made every moment worthwhile. Over the years, there were many events my family volunteered for – from preparing church rummage sales to helping families in need. My parents engrained in us the importance of serving and giving to others. So, it is no surprise that in past online career tests, I scored high on the social/helper personality trait. My career path in healthcare was partly shaped by my innate desire to lend a hand, a trait that emerged long before taking any online personality test.
“…when you are vying for attention with six siblings, you learn to be bold and brave…upbringing can play a big role in how and why we do what we do today.”
Assertiveness & Boldness
During my youth, our house was loud and noisy. If you wanted to be heard, you had to speak loudly. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not loud and obnoxious, but when you are vying for attention with six siblings, you learn to be bold and brave. Gestures and signals were also a big part of our communication styles. Hence, I still make the most out of communication by using my voice, hand gestures, and body language. Though communication styles may change over the years, upbringing can play a big role in how and why we do what we do today, which reminds me to appreciate the influences behind each person's demeanor.
“Through commitment, hard work, creativity, and ingenuity, they [immigrant grandparents and father] managed to thrive…I continue to work hard like my ancestors. I approach problems and opportunities with the same passion and zeal...”
Passion & Zeal
Seeking a better life after World War II, my grandparents left Europe to establish new roots in the United States. As an immigrant, my father experienced the aftermath of war in one country and the freedom of opportunity in another. He and his parents desired a better life and took action to make it happen. Life was not easy when they first arrived here and tried to re-establish their business. Through commitment, hard work, creativity, and ingenuity, they managed to thrive. The passion and zeal with which my father and grandparents lived their lives were passed down to the next generation. Proud of my heritage, I continue to work hard like my ancestors. I approach problems and opportunities with the same passion and zeal that defined my ancestors' pursuit of a better life.